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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

All other copyrighted materials belong to their respectful owners. This site is not affiliated with Nintendo or Retro Studios, but that doesn't mean to say that they don't love SCU.

Metroid 2 Secret Worlds

Metroid 2 continues on with the "tradition" of having areas of the game code that can be entered and have the result of messing up the game display as you travel to glitched areas in the game. Metroid 2 was the first Metroid game to have SW's that were actually useable and hence, beneficial (eg. They are required in completing the games 3-item run) to players who wish to abuse their warping properties (they can be entered in one ruin and you can exit it at a point MUCH later on in the game).

I would like to thank DarthNat for all of the text conatined in these SW guides and for the screens and movies too. Darth never discovered the SW's in Metroid 2, but has labelled them in the order that you would come across them in the game, rather than in the order that they were discovered in (as they are in MP).

:: Secret World 1

:: Secret World 2

:: Secret World 3

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This site's code, layout, text, and unique movies are the sole copyright of's owner Andrew Mills (2005)

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Motion DVD

Symphony Of
Samus 2CD Set

Oh Go on!
You Know You Want To... ;)

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