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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

All other copyrighted materials belong to their respectful owners. This site is not affiliated with Nintendo or Retro Studios, but that doesn't mean to say that they don't love SCU.

Metroid 2 Secret World 1

Secret World 1 is found in the verical room outside of the first save point in the next-to-last Ruin (the ruin where you collect the Screw Attack and first encounter Zeta Metroids). From the save point, travel to the right, and you'll be in the vertical shaft.

Here's the part people have trouble with: you have to use the select trick to open a hole in the left wall of the shaft. The select trick is a simple trick to grasp: simply press select as fast as possible while you are falling down a vertical room.

.:How To:.
First, position yourself at the top of this room, roll into morph ball mode, and fall down the shaft, hugging the left wall and pressing select as fast as you can. If done correctly, when you land on the small block against the left wall, a passage one block tall should be open in the left wall slightly above you. Simply use the Spider Ball or Spring Ball to jump up and enter the hole in the wall, and you'll be in the Secret World! Don't worry if it doesn't work on your first try, as the select trick can be very fickle at times. Just keep trying, and soon enough you'll find yourself in Secret World 1!

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3

There is one more area you will have to traverse before you will be able to explore the more interesting depths of the Secret World, and this area has been dubbed the Chozo Maze. You'll find yourself in this maze right after you travel through the small passage in the wall. It is an area made up of screen after screen of glitched Chozo Statue platforms. In order to make it through this area, space jump two screens to the left, and drop through one of the gaps in the platforms. You will fall for quite a while, but eventually you will pass through a seemingly solid ceiling and find yourself in the depths of Secret World 1.

Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6

For a LOAD of images on this Secret World, click on the following link:
M2 SW 1 Screenshots Page 1

For a movie of getting into this Secret World and what you can do, click on the link below:

Metroid 2 Secret World 1 (664k)

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This site's code, layout, text, and unique movies are the sole copyright of's owner Andrew Mills (2005)

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