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Metroid, Zero Mission, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, MP: Hunters TM 1986 - 2005 Nintendo.

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IBBF (PT4) - Furnace -> CAW -> Crossway

With that rather irratating section out of the way, it's time to move on over Furnace. With WFA dumped, turn to face the Spiderball track. Now, you'll notice a long dangly piece of metal hanging down the wall. Use this as a guide for getting onto the top of this section. Jump once (HOLDING down B),then do the second SJ. When done correctly, you'll be standing on an invisible ledge almost at the same height as the morphball tunnels entrance.

From here, do another delayed SJ onto the middle of the roof. You might find yourself landing on a "sticky" bit, so simply do a single L-Lock jump onto a safe spot. From here, the object is to SJ onto the top of the morphball tunnel where you end up once you enter the tunnel at the start of Furnace. The screenshot below shows you the angle at which to aim for when SJ'ing to it. It's a smallish area, so be careful not to overshoot. This spot is perfectly safe and will give us the height needed to make the next jump.

Screenshot 34 Screenshot 35 Screenshot 36 Screenshot 37

Once your on the top of the tunnel, look forwards and down were you can see the furnace itself that houses the etank. Leading into it is another morphball tunnel. The goal is to do a LONG L-Lock SJ from this tunnel onto the top of that tunnel. To make it easier, move left a little to ensure you don't snag any scenery on the way over to that tunnel. Now do the long L-Lock SJ onto the top of the slanted tunnel. SJ up the tunnel to the top of it. To your left you'll notice the Chozo Lore and the morphball tunnel that extends out from it. It should be closed at the moment. You're going to have to do another long L-Lock SJ over to the wall near the Chozo Lore.

So SJ over to the wall and MAKE SURE you land IN the wall! Morph and be careful that the view doesn't switch to one where all you can see is the inside of the furnace! If all goes well, you should be able to still see yourself on the screen and start bomb jumping up the wall. Crossway Access West (CAW) will now appear in the distance and as soon as you reach the top, lock your view and jump onto the top of the morphball tunnel leading into CAW.

Screenshot 38 Screenshot 39

Ice Before Flaahgra: Part 5 (5 Megs Zipped MPEG)

Now, getting CAW to appear on the map has caused a few people some headaches, but I have a method that has worked for me 100% of the time. Move up to where the tunnel's doors open and move to the left of the tunnel. Push up and left a little and Samus should be "stuck". Do this for a second or two then jump forwards over the tunnel door. CAW should now appear on the map! If it doesn't repeat the above until it does.

Move on down on top of the tunnel and stand in front of CAW. The goal now is to trigger the loader into secretizing Crossway itself. This is VITAL to doing the trick. There's an easy way to do it (but takes the longest to do), or there's the harder yet much quicker way of doing the same thing... The easy option is to jump off of the tunnel. Look back at Furnace and it should have dissapeared. Now, look back at CAW and you need to move to the first "step" that is situated near the tunnel you were standing on a second ago. (see Screenshots below)

Screenshot 40 Screenshot 41 Screenshot 42

You need to start hitting Jump like mad around this area (strafing left and right seems to help with this), and soon you'll get a jump off. Make sure you hit the floor of the room with your head and listen to the GC to see if it makes the whirring sound. If not, keep trying. If it HAS made that whirring sound, that's Crossway now secertized! Walk over to near the Wave door and shoot into the black space beside it. The shot should hit an invisible wall. This is Crossway secretized. Now all you need to do is find a spot near the door and float up to the door.

If you want to try it the harder (but much faster) way, then when you reach the end of the morphball tunnel, lock your view and then jump off to the left of the tunnel. Bend the jump around the left wall of CAW and when you're nearing the bottom of the room, push INTO the wall. If you catch it right, you'll be in the wall and the GC should start whirring away. Now, this can be annoying as there are 4 solid beams in this area. So start bombimg straight up and with any luck you won't hit one of those beams and get stuck. If you don't hit a beam, bomb up onto the roof and unmorph. Turn towards the Wave door.

Morph and repeat the same bomb jump you done in WFA to get yourself up high enough to skywalk. Once you're skywalking, move over to above the Wave Beam door. Carefully morph down on top of it and unmorph so you don't roll off. From here, move in the direction of Crossway to open it up!. Stand on Crossway's door and door dump CAW.

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Ice Before Flaahgra: Part 6 (4.4 Megs Zipped MPEG)

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This site's code, layout, text, and unique movies are the sole copyright of's owner Andrew Mills (2005)

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