Collect The Varia Suit Without Hi-Jump
.:Method 1 - With Ice Beam:.
To do this, make your way to the room that sits below the door leading to the Varia Suit from the left
hand side. This will ensure the correct positoning of the Waver will be possible. Go to the middle quickly
and shoot straight upwards. This will hopefully allow the waver to go up, and just before it goes off the screen
at the top, freeze it with the Ice Beam. With precise timing, jump upwards just before the blocks regenerate
and wait for the Waver to unfreeze. Morph and drop a few bombs. Once the Waver drops below you, jump up and
let it follow yuo up. As soon as it's just under half the height of the door and floor, freeze it and use it
as a stepping stone to reach the door.
.:Method 2 - Door Jumping:.
As with the Ice Beam without Bombs trick, you can stand halfway in the door and door jump straight up to the door
leading to the Varia Suit. Without the need for Icebeam OR Hi-Jump Boots.
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