Skip Both Of The Bosses
It's entirely posisble to skip both of the bosses in Metroid and head straight for Tourian (once you have
collected at least the bombs, ice beam and preferrably a fair few missile packs and a couple of e-tanks). Go to the room beside the
statues and lure the Reo into the statue room by letting it follow you through the open door.
Once it's in the next room, fall into the quicksand and freeze the Reo once it's just below and to the right
of the walkway leading to the door to the Tourian elevator. Now, if you don't have the Hi-Jump boots, you
need to Bomb Boost Jump up and out of the quicksand and land on top of the frozen Reo. From here, do a bomb jump
up and onto the ledge to your left. Prcoeed to Tourian as per normal.
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