Metroid - Screw Attack Early
Guide Credit - Ego Trip
It is possible to aquire the Screw Attack without the Icebeam and straight after the Hi-Jump boots. The Screw Attack is
particularly useful when facing those annoying Rinkas in Tourian.
.:How To:.
Assuming you have the bombs, you can retrieve the Screw Attack as soon as you have collected the High Jump
Boots. Start in the room in which you do collect the High Jump Boots. In here, roll under the small overhang
and bomb out the breakable blocks. Once you're on height with the white tunnel, roll left through it. Bomb
the obstacles in your path. Eventually, you should fall out into an area with a few enemies, lava, and a
high ledge.
Get to the far left edge of the lower right platform. Once here, use the mid-air jump to reach the top of
the ledge on the left.
Now that you're over the ledge, proceed to the left until you see another high ledge. Get into the same
position as before and use a mid-air jump to reach the high ledge. Once over, proceed to the left, over the
lava, and through the door on the left. Go through the door at the end of the small tunnel, now proceed
through this room all the way to the left and go through the door you find there.
You'll find yourself in a room filled with green bubbles. You have to get above the ceiling. You can either
shoot out the blocks at the top-right, or you can be a badass and use the door warping trick on the left
door to ascend to the top. Go through the door on the left that you find at the top. Continue left through
this lava filled room and blast the door at the end with five missiles. Shoot the ball being held by the
Chozo Statue and collect the Screw Attack.
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