Leaving Kraid Shortcut
Once you've defeated Kraid and you're on your way back to either Ridley or Tourian, you can use this nifty
shortcut to speed things up. Bear in mind though, that it's certainly not easy, but the time saved more than
makes up for it.
Once you reach the corridor that has the large central pillar blocking the door opposite you (the one you would
usually exit from that allows you to climb upwards and leave Kraid's lair), if you morph and roll off to the left and unmorph just as you have dipped
low enough to be level with the ledge with the Ripper, you can jump onto this ledge. Now, morph here and lay
a bomb. Move in the air so Samus is in the middle of the gap above you and press jump again. If you bump into
the Squeept (which will be making it's way down that side of the central pillar), you can be boosted up and to the
left where the door is. Thus, saving you from taking the long way around!
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