Zero Mission TV Commercials
While marketing is a bit of an alien concept to Nintendo (in Europe at least), Nintendo of America (NoA)
and Nintendo of Japan (NCL), have created a TV ad for Zero Mission, which have been tailored to their markets
tastes. The difference in style and execution are quite obvious.
Below, are images from both the US and Japanese Zero Mission TV ads as well as direct links to the ads themselves. Save the movies to your PC by right clicking and "Save Target As".
.:US TV AD:.
Hi-Res US Commercial (2.12 Megs, Quicktime format)
Lo-Res US Commercial (1.4 Megs, Quicktime format)
.:Japanese TV AD:.
Hi-Res Japanese Commercial (3.5 Megs, .wmv format)
Hi-Res Japanese Commercial (1.77 Megs, .wmv format)
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