Metroid 2 Speed Runs
Below are the direct links to the best Metroid speed run videos for each category. The movies are brilliantly hosted on so you should all pay this
wonderful free site a visit. Special thanks also go to both Nate of and also to
Radix of Speed Demo Archive (SDA) for converting the runs from VHS to a digital format. ALL of these movies requires the latest version
of DivX to play properly. RIGHT CLICK
the movie files and SAVE TARGET AS to download them to your PC/MAC.
.:Any% Run - 59"49 by carlmmii:.
Metroid 2 goes sub-hour! w00t! Completed by the Metroid 2 master carlmmii, this run is extremely entertaining and
educational to boot. Well, what you waiting for!? Download it now!!!
The runners own commentary for this run can be found: HERE
:: Metroid 2 any% 59"49 - Part 1 (46.1 Megs)
:: Metroid 2 any% 59"49 - Part 2 (28.8 Megs)
:: Metroid 2 any% 59"49 - Part 3 (40.6 Megs)
.:100% Run - 1'05"25 by carlmmii:.
A run for the true completist. While Metroid doesn't have an in-game percent counter (like every Metroid game
after Metroid 2 has), the 100% game is still considered possible as long as all of the known items are collected
and this has been verified. A newcomer to the Metroid Speed Running scene, carlmmii pulls off a very impressive 100%
speed run, made all the more remarkable
considering it's a single segment speed run. That's right, no saves. Just ONE run from start to finish. And
if THAT doesn't deserve some extra Kudos, then God knows what would... Well done carlmmii.
The runners own commentary for this run can be found: HERE
:: Metroid 100% 1'05"25 - Single Segment (153 Megs)
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This site's code, layout, text, and unique movies are the sole copyright of's owner Andrew Mills (2005)