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Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion TM 1986 - 2004 Nintendo.

This website and it's code, screenshots and movies are the sole copyright of Andrew Mills 2003, unless otherwise credited.

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The Triple Bomb Jump - Taking Samus to New Heights

Triple Bomb Jump - The Bomb Jumping Legacy Continues...

While the ability to 'infinite' bomb jump up a level (as seen in Super Metroid) is gone, it is possible however, to do a much higher bomb jump than what's mentioned in the instruction manual (which is the double bomb jump).

Of course, there are other variations on Triple Bomb Jumping, and these variations will be described in detail below. Unfortunately, the uses for the triple Bomb Jump (from now on to be known as the TBJ) have decreased over time as other techniques have come into play to replace it. But it's still an essential trick for PAL players who wish to get the Ice Beam Early, as there's no way to get up the Furnace Track early without it. It's also pretty cool to watch and do.

So then, lets get on with it shall we? The first thing to understand about the TBJ is that we are going to use 5 bombs to make the jump. With a supply of 3 bombs. So the first step is to drop a bomb and let it explode - essentially wasting it - so we can time the bombs so they refill when we need them to. Which is the meat and bones of this move. As soon as bomb 1 has exploded wait brief second and then drop bomb 2. Just before this goes off, place bomb 3 and then at the peak of your jump and then place bomb 4 .

Now it gets more difficult, so this small section may take the most practice to get it right: As soon as bomb 3 sends you back up again place bomb 5 in the middle of bombs 3 and 4, then place bomb 6 just before you get to the top of your jump. This will result in you landing on bomb 5 as it goes off, propelling you into bomb 6 in turn, sending you up twice as high as a normal double bomb jump.
.: ASCII Demo :.
Step 1

Wall Triple Bomb Jump Morph - When the TBJ juuuust isn't good enough

The normal TBJ won't always be enough for PAL players who are trying to TBJ into the Furnace as it doesn't always provide you with enough height (unless you get REALLY good at laying the bombs in their most optimum places). So a way around this and to greatly increase your chances of making it in quicker and easier, is to do a TBJ and then morph at the peak of your propulsion off of bomb 6. This gives you extra height again and you can land standing on the top of the furnace track. Now simply move right a little, morph into a ball and hold forward, wiggle the stick and voila! you're in without the spiderball!

To see the Triple Bomb Jump and Triple Bomb Jump Morph in action, view or save the movie below:

Triple Bomb Jump (700k)

Wall Triple Bomb Jump Morph (1 Meg)

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