Metroid Prime No Space Jump FAQ by Mr Potter This guide is for the NTSC version of the game. Things listed in this guide may or may not work in the other versions of the game. I have no idea what would work in other versions and what wouldn't, as I don't have any other versions. Oh, and also please note this guide isn't for 98% items (with SJ boots and Phazon Beam not counting to the percentage). 1. Introduction 2. Techniques 3. Normal moves 4. No SJ walkthrough 4a. Intro 4b. Chozo Ruins 4c. Phendrena Collecting 4d. The Ice Beam 4e. Magmoor Journey and More Phendrena Collecting 4f. Phazon Mines 4g. Geothermal Core: The Dead End 5. FAQ 6. More Sequence Breaking 7. Contact 8. Closing --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- Hi. I'm Mr Potter, and this is a no space jump FAQ for Metroid Prime. In this type of run, you would go through the game without collecting the space jump boots. This is much easier said than done, as many techniques must be mastered to do this type of run. On to the FAQ! ------------- 2. Techniques ------------- BOMB JUMPS Bomb Jump: Lay a bomb and let it blast you into the air. Double Bomb Jump: Lay a bomb. Just before it explodes, lay a second bomb. At the peak of your bomb jump lay the third bomb. Now stay still and wait. 3-Bomb Jump: Lay a bomb. Right before it explodes, lay a second bomb. Right before that explodes, lay a third bomb. Right before that explodes, your bomb stock should refill, so lay all three bombs in a stack. Wait. Triple Bomb Jump: Lay a bomb and let it blast you into the air. When you land, lay a second bomb. Right before that explodes, lay bomb 3. At the peak of your jump, lay bomb 4 (your bomb stock should have come back). When bomb 3 explodes, lay bomb 5 just above bomb 3. Bomb 4 should now explode; while still ascending, lay bomb 6 right above where bomb 4 was. Now you should fall down into bomb 5, which should send you into bomb 6. Congrats. Doing this against a wall allows for greater height, as it lets you delay the placement of bombs 5 and 6. This is called a "wall triple bomb jump". JUMPS L-Lock Spring Space Jump: L-lock your view down. Now jump in the desired direction, release your l-lock, and space jump. We will be using some of these, just without the space jump. Ghetto Jump: Find a slanted wall. L-lock your view down and push into the wall. Jump, pull away from the wall, space jump, and move back toward the wall. The result is a glitch that gives you extra height. Dash Jump: Lock onto an enemy and do a dash. Then release L and turn Samus so she's facing the direction you're going. Space jump if you have the boots. That is a dash jump. Scan Dash Jump: Basically just a dash jump using the scan visor. See Dash Jump. OTHER Rapid-Fire Missiles: Annoyed with that delay between missiles? Just press A in between Y's. For example pressing Y, then A, and then Y (Yay!) would let you fire two missiles with no delay. Note that this only works with the power beam. --------------- 3. Normal moves --------------- These are all the "normal" moves. A * next to a move means an upgrade must be collected to use this move. Shoot: Press A in the combat, thermal, or x-ray visor. Jump: Press B. Space Jump*: Press B in midair. Charge Beam*: Press and hold A to hold a charge shot. Super Missiles*: Charge the Power Beam and press Y to fire a super missile. Missile*: Press Y to fire a missile. Wavebuster*: Charge the Wave Beam and press Y to fire the Wavebuster. Ice Spreader*: Charge the Ice Beam and press Y to fire the Ice Spreader. Flamethrower*: Charge the Plasma Beam and press Y to fire the flamethrower. Change Beams*: Use the C-stick to change your beam weapon. (must have another beam to use) Change Visors: Use the D-pad to change your visor. Morph Ball Mode*: Press X to morph, and press X again to unmorph. Morph Ball Bombs*: Press A while in morph ball mode to lay a bomb. Boost Ball*: Press and hold B while in morph ball mode to charge a boost and release B to release it! Spider Ball*: Press and hold R when against spider ball tracks when in morph ball mode to use. Power bomb*: Press Y in morph ball mode to use. Map: Press Z to view the map. Grapple*: Press L when you see a blue grapple sign to use. Aim: Press and hold R to aim. Lock on: Press and hold L to lock on. Control Stick: Use the control stick to move. (obviously) Scan: Lock onto a scan point when in the scan visor. -------------------- 4. No SJ walkthrough -------------------- *********** *4a. Intro* *********** You will start on Space Frigate. Up ahead you'll see four red circles. Shoot them and continue on. Scan the scan point and shoot the next six circles. Now it's a small walk to the door. Go through it to find a hallway. At the end of the hallway is a door. Go through it. Here is another scan point. Scan it and the room will depressurize. Now head through the door and head through the next hallway. Here is a large room. Reaching the door should be no problem. Once at the door shoot the door and head through it. Hold a charge shot and shoot the rubble. Continue on through the door. When you enter this room a cinema will trigger where two parasites run through a small hole. Follow them in morph ball mode to reach the map station of Frigate. Download it and head back. Go through the door. Here you will find the game's first elevator. Scan the scan point to activate it, and simply step into the hologram to start it. Once the elevator stops, head through the next room. Here is some electricity and some rubble. Switch into morph ball mode and avoid the electricity and head through the rubble. At the end, unmorph and go through the door. Here is a room with a two space pirates, one walking and one lying down. Kill them both and head through the next door. In this next room is an auto defense turret. The game will tell you to kill it with a missile. Ignore it! Kill the turret with a charge shot. We're saving our missiles for the upcoming boss. In the next room, there is a turret. Use another charge shot to take it out and head to the scan point. Scan it to activate the elevator, which will take you to the next level of this room. On the next level, watch out for the space pirates! Take them out with charge shots and continue through the door. The next room is an empty hallway; head through it to the next door. Watch out for the turret in the next room! Take it out with a charge shot. Scan the scan point to activate the elevator, and step into the hologram. When the ride is over, a space pirate will drop down. Get rid of it with charge shots and scan the scan point. A morph ball hologram will appear. Go into morph ball mode and roll into it. A door will open. Go through it. There are two turrets in this room. Kill them with charge shots, and look to your left. You will see a door. Through that door is a save station, so save if you want. Then go back and scan the scan point and roll into the morph ball hologram. The next door will open. Roll through it. ---------------------- -BOSS: Parasite Queen- ---------------------- The boss is a phazon-mutated Parasite. Scan it, as this makes the fight easier. How, you ask? Well, its mouth is its weak spot, and scanning it lets you lock onto its mouth. So once you can lock onto the mouth, use rapid-fire missiles. If it attacks you, get out of the way with a dash jump. When the queen is gone, you will need to evacuate immediately. The game will place you in front of a door, so go through it. In this room are a bunch of steps. Not very many, so don't worry. When you reach the top, you'll find a door. Head through. The next room is an elevator. Scan the scan point to activate the elevator and step into the hologram. The elevator will take you up. At the top is a door (and a turret). Keep going. In the next room you'll see a bunch of space pirates shooting the giant thing in a glass case you saw earlier. Ignore them, as they won't attack you. Soon an explosion will kill them all. Jump up the rubble to reach the top of the room, a part you've been to previously. Both doors you used before are blocked off, so you'll need to find another way. Head toward the two space pirates that are shooting you. The one closer to the circle in the wall will automatically die when the circle blows up, revealing a new passage. Run into it. There are a ton of parasites in the next room. Ignore them and head through the room as fast as you can. When you reach the door, open it and head through it to reach a room similar to the room you just went through. When you reach the end, another circle thing in the wall will blow up. Run through it to find yourself in the elevator room, on top of the elevator. You'll be looking at a circle thing in the wall. Wait for it to blow up and run through it. Run through this room to find a door. Open it and run into the larger part of the room. Here are two turrets. Kill them with missiles, if you have enough. If not, use charge shots. The grey door will regain color. Shoot it and run through. Run through the ventilation shafts to reach another large part. Ignore the parasites and run through the door. Here is a piston. it moves back, follow it and pay close attention to your right, because a door will show up there soon. Don't worry if the piston smashes you. It doesn't hurt. Run through the door and keep going. Soon you'll reach a door. Head through it to trigger a cinema. It's Ridley! He'll fly away. Have Samus grapple across the gap. Shoot the door and run through. Here you'll find a scan point. Ignore it and shoot the turret with a missile or charge shot. Past the turret is another scan point near an elevator. Scan it to activate the elevator and trigger a cinema. An explosion knocks Samus into the wall. You'll lose all your upgrades except Combat Visor, Scan Visor, Power Beam, jump, aim, and lock on. The explosion will also give you all your health back (???). Now walk forward into the hologram to start the elevator. At the top, head through the door. Run through the path and soon it will say the room is depressurizing. Wait for it to finish and run through the door. Then run through the door. Here is a hallway; run through it to the next door. When you get through it, run forward. You made it! A cinema is triggered. Samus runs out and sees Ridley fly toward Tallon IV. She jumps onto her ship and follows him. Soon the tracking is lost and Samus must land. Save. ***************** *4b. Chozo Ruins* ***************** Now we're going to get back most of the stuff you lost, plus get to Phendrena. Head through the door on your right. Destroy the beetles and head through the next room to reach Tallon Canyon. Run through to the door past the half pipe to reach a tunnel. Head through this to reach an elevator. Scan the scan point and step into the hologram to start the game's first "real" elevator. When you arrive in the ruins, head through the door to find a small room with a couple of beetles. Kill them and head to the next room to trigger a cinema. It's nothing big, just showing you around Main Plaza (the room you're in right now). Head past the half pipe, killing the beetles on the way. On your left is a door. Head through it. Run through the various rooms containing Eyons, War Wasps, Tangleweeds, plazmites, all that stuff, until you reach the room known as "Hive Totem". Jump across the platforms here until you reach the center, and start across the bridge leading to the Missile Launcher to trigger the Hive Mecha battle. ----------------------- -MINI-BOSS: HIVE MECHA- ----------------------- As soon as the battle begins, Hive Mecha will open up and release Barbed (or Ram, I forget) War Wasps. These creatures will circle you until finally stopping. After a second of hovering, they will attack you. This is your chance to kill them. When they're all gone, Hive Mecha will open up again. Shoot it until it turns and releases more Barbed/Ram War Wasps. Repeat for two more rounds to win the Missile Launcher. If you don't feel like fighting Hive Mecha, stand by the bridge and look at the mouths that the water comes out of. Switch to scan visor and lock onto it, and dash jump across. Then do another dash jump back to the main platform. (thanks go to LeCoureur103 for telling me that you could do this.) Now walk across the bridge and collect the missile launcher. There is a door with a missile lock behind you. Destroy the missile lock with a missile and go through the door to find an energy tank. Grab it and head back to Main Plaza. When you get there, go past the half-pipe to trigger the beetles again. Kill or ignore them and turn right to see a missile lock door. Destroy the lock and enter. Run through the hallway filled with scarabs to reach another door. Go through it to reach Ruined Shrine. Jump up to the halfpipe. You should be able to see the morph ball up ahead. Here, you have two options. A: Jump into the pit and run across to trigger a battle with a ton of beetles, ending by you killing a plated beetle. B: Get up against the right side of the half-pipe and turn around. Switch on the scan visor to see the half-pipe has a scan point on it. Scan-dash off this scan point to pass the beetle battle trigger and grab the morph ball without fighting for it. In either case, once you have the morph ball, roll back into the pit (triggering the beetle battle if you took path B) and roll through the pipe in the bottom of the half-pipe to reach the door. Go back to Main Plaza. Go to the side with the door you used to get the Missile Launcher. There will be a bunch of steps here. Jump up them to see a lone war wasp and two hives. Kill the wasp and then the hives (a missile takes out the hives). Now go through the door. In this hallway is a ton of scarabs and some tree branches blocking the way. The branches have holes in the bottom of them, so morph and roll through. Next is Ruined Fountain. There are a bunch of plazmites here. Ignore them and get to the door closest to the missile expansion. Run through it. Here is a hallway with a few shriekbats. Kill those and at the end of the hallway is a missile door lock. Shoot it with a missile and go through the door to the Aboretum. Later we'll have to reach the top of this room, but for now, just enter the door on the other side of the room. The next room is a hallway, nothing big. Through this hallway is Gathering Hall. At Gathering Hall turn left and run through the door. Watery Hall Access is a hallway, as you might expect. But wait! There's more! When you reach the middle of the room, shreikbats will attack, but that's not what I was talking about. When you reach the middle of the room, you'll also hear the sound of an expansion. You should have only one missile left, so use it on the wall to your left. It will crumble, revealing a missile expansion. Grab it to get five more missiles and be able to carry 10 missiles! At the end of WHA is a missile door lock. Destroy it and head through the door. In this room (Watery Hall), you need to scan four runic symbols. Turn left, switch on the scan visor, and walk to the right. Soon the first symbol will come into view; scan it. Now switch back to combat visor and jump up the platforms. Looking down, you'll soon see a bunch of Blastcaps. Shoot them with a missile and scan the symbol underneath them. Now keep jumping up the platforms. Soon you'll see a Reaper Vine. Shoot it jump to the next platform. On the next platform is another Reaper Vine. Instead of going up there, turn right and look down to see symbol 3. Scan it. Now continue up the platforms until you reach the last one. Turn right to see the last symbol. Scan it and the gate in front of you will grow a hammer symbol on the center of it. Scan that and the gate will open. Now jump to the Charge Beam. A bunch of Eyons will appear when you get the Charge Beam. A charge shot will kill them, so do so and get back to Gathering Hall. When you reach GH, use the platforms to reach the top of the room. Run through the door here. Now go through the two hallways, the first containing shriekbats, the second containing eyons. When you get through each of them you'll reach Energy Core. Turn left here and walk through the hallway. Soon you'll reach the door leading to Burn Dome Access. Use the morph ball tunnels to reach another door. Go through it to find Burn Dome. As soon as you enter, the Incinerator Drone will appear. ------------------------------ -MINI-BOSS: INCINERATOR DRONE- ------------------------------ The drone will begin by activating its flames and spinning around, sending very dangerous flames toward you. (What were the Chozo thinking, making a machine like that for garbage disposal?) Soon it will stop and a red spot will show up. Fire a missile at this spot to hurt it, and then the drone will get mad and attack the wasp hive above it. This will send out Ram/Barbed War Wasps. Now repeat, with the addition of killing the wasps that attack you. The weak spot will face the wall, then the door, then the wall, then the door. When it gets hit four times, it will completely destroy the hive and any wasps that are out. Then it'll blow up, leaving the Morph Ball Bombs. Grab the bombs and use them on the bombable hole in the wall. Roll through to find a Missile Expansion (15 missiles). Now go back to Gathering Hall. When you get there, turn left. You will see a red thing. Jump on it, then morph and do a DBJ onto the ledge above, and then bomb the gate to get another expansion (20 missiles). Now go save at GH's save station. When you get out, kill the shreikbats that attack, and then go to the aboretum. Normally you'd have to scan runic symbols here, but let's skip that. Make your way to that top of the room where the gate is and do either a 3BJ or a wall TBJ. Although it may take a couple tries, soon you'll get past the gate. Bomb the sandstone and roll through the tunnel. Destroy the missile door lock and head through the door. The next room is a hallway. There are a few Reaper Vines and Venomweeds here, so be careful. The room after this is basically the same, except with more Reaper Vines and only one section of Venomweeds. Through the next door is Sunchamber; before going in, refill from the crates and start the battle with Flaaghra. ---------------- -BOSS: FLAAGHRA- ---------------- Flaaghra is a huge plant boss powered by beams of light from the mirrors. When the battle begins, immediately turn left and fire a missile at the mirror. Now Flaaghra will fall down; roll through the revealed morph ball tunnel and activate the bomb slot. This will take away 1/4 of Flaaghra's health. Repeat this while dodging Flaaghra's attacks, with the addition of one mirror each round. Please note that Flaaghra can and will knock mirrors back into position. To prevent this. fire missiles and charge shots at Flaaghra until stunned. Soon Flaaghra will fall, the water will return to normal, and you get the Varia Suit. Right in front of you is the Varia Suit. Grab it and head through the door that is now behind you. Refill from the crates in the next room and drop down the Suntower in the room after that. You will now be in an elevator room. Scan the scan point and get into the hologram to activate the elevator. When you arrive in Magmoor, go through the door to find Burning Trail. Fall down the long shaft with moving platforms and kill the attacking shriekbats. Continue down the hallway. Soon you'll see a door and a missile door lock on your laft. Destroy the lock and enter the door. Save your game. Now get out of the station. Further down the hallway, two more groups of shriekbats will attack and you'll encounter a new enemy, Grizbys. Grizbys can be taken out with a missile. Keep going until you reach Lava Lake. When the cutscene ends, a Magmoor will come out of the lava. Kill it and then kill all the puffers. You will notice a bunch of platforms. Jump up them until you reach a black platform that is a bit higher up than the other platforms. Now turn left to see a big pillar. Fire two missiles at it to reveal the Artifact of Nature. But how to get it? The artifact was designed to be collected with the SJ boots! Lock your view down and get to the edge of the platform, and turn right. You will see a Magmoor. DO NOT KILL IT! We need the Magmoor for what we are going to do next. Acquire a combat lock on the Magmoor and dash to the left. With luck, you'll dash right into the Artifact and collect it. It won't be too hard to get from here to Moniter Station. So find your own way there. When you get there, turrets will attack. These are the same machines you saw on Space Frigate, but for some reason now they take two missiles instead of one. Two charge shots will also work. Kill all four turrets and jump up the platforms. Cross the bridge and enter Transport Tunnel A. When you get there, enter the morph ball tunnel. You will notice a gap above you. Get under it and do a DBJ up there. The ground you're on when you do the DBJ is breakable and will be broken with two morph ball bombs, so get the DBJ right the first time. From there roll left, do another DBJ, roll left, and do a final DBJ to get an energy tank. Now do a normal bomb jump to the left and roll out. Run through the door and activate the elevator to Phendrena Drifts. Step in it to activate it. ************************** *4c. Phendrena Collecting* ************************** When you arrive in Phendrena, shoot the icicles with charge shots or missiles and continue through the next door. When you get to Phendrena Shorelines, head straight until the river, then turn left and shoot the gate with a missile. Walk up to where it used to be and scan the thing behind the pile of snow. This will unlock a door. Now jump up the steps and get to the door. The next room is a hallway. Run through it, avoiding the pulse bombus, and get to the first Ice Ruins. At this room you will encounter a new enemy, the Baby Sheegoth. Shoot its back with a charge shot and then shoot it with three regular shots to take it out. Now hop up the platforms. Soon you will reach a door; take it. In the next room there are many Ice Burrowers. Shoot them to take them out, and continue to the next door. Head up the slope to the left and take the door. The next room has more pulse bombus; ignore them, as you can't kill them yet. On the other side of the room is a door leading to more Ice Ruins. There are two more Baby Sheegoths here, so run through. run past them and turn right to see a missile door lock. Shoot it off with a missile and run through the door. The next room is a hallway with the next kind of bombu: Scatter Bombus. Avoid their rays by slipping between them in morph ball mode. At the end of the hallway is a door to Phendrena Canyon; take it. Phendrena Canyon is a long room that doesn't go anywhere except the way you just came in, but it does have the boost ball, which we're going to need. Hop down to wake up a Baby Sheegoth. Kill it and run up the slope. Shoot the Crystallite with a missile and scan the scan point. The platforms will now come down. Hop up them and to the boost ball. When you get the boost ball, you'll have to boost up the half-pipe. Do so and get onto the platforms. Get rid of the Crystallites and go back to the door you came in from. Head all the way back to Phendrena Shorelines and save. It's time for the Wave Beam. Jump in the water. There is a small platform just out of reach; board it with a DBJ. Now get into the corner and to a wall TBJ. If done correctly, Samus will be on the platform. Head through the door to Ice Temple Access. Shoot the icicles with a MISSILE. Not a charge shot, a MISSILE. Why, you ask? Because there's a pulse bombu right there and it will hurt you if you shoot it with a charge shot, that's why! Run through and head through the other door to reach the Ice Temple. Upon arrival, a Baby Sheegoth will wake up. Kill it and then kill all the Crystallites and Ice Parasites in the room. Do a DBJ onto the small platform. Looking around, you'll see another one coming out of the wall right next to your platform. DBJ onto it. Now turn to face the Chozo statue. Do a 3BJ onto its plate, and then do another 3BJ onto its head. Then jump onto the next platform. Run behind the ice wall and do another DBJ onto the next platform. Do a normal jump (jump, not bomb jump) to the next platform. You're getting close! Do another DBJ to the next platform and the one after that. Now do a second-to-last DBJ onto the platform sticking out of the wall. Normal jump to the other platform coming out of the wall, and do a DBJ onto the final platform. Jump onto the top of the ice temple and shoot the head on the far right with a missile. Use the bomb slot to move the gate and roll through Chapel of the Elders Access. When you arrive at Chapel of the Elders, head for the wave beam to trigger the fight. You will have to fight four Baby Sheegoths, two at a time. When they're all dead, the Sheegoth will break out. --------------------- -MINI-BOSS: SHEEGOTH- --------------------- The Sheegoth isn't really a miniboss, but right now it will feel like one. The Sheegoth has two attacks: it can use its breath attack which will freeze you upon contact, or it can use its other attack that the babies use. The one where he spits ice at you... Anyway, there are also two ways you can beat it (well, actually 3, but right now there's only 2). The first way is to wait for it to attack and then rapid-fire missiles in its face. The second way is to lay morph ball bombs by it. The third way if to fire the Plasma Beam at it, which you can't do because you don't have the plasma beam... Anyway, pick a method and defeat the Sheegoth. The Wave Beam is your prize. Collect the wave beam and do a DBJ back onto the platform with the Wave Door. Shoot the wave door with the Wave Beam and go all the way to Ice Ruins West. At Ice Ruins West enter the ruined building and DBJ to the top of it. Shoot the stalactite with a missile. It will fall down. Jump down and DBJ onto it, and then DBJ onto the next platform. The next platform is more of an alcove and has two Crystallites in it. DO NOT KILL THE CRYSTALLITES! Like the Magmoor in Lava Lake, we are going to use it for the next thing we will do. Hop to the next platform. Now look to the right. You will see a wave beam door. Align yourself so the wave door is to your left. Soon you will see one of the Crystallites I told you not to kill. Acquire a combat lock on it and dash to the left. Hopefully you'll land on the platform. Head through the wave door. The next room has scarabs and a Pulse Bombu in it. Kill them all (the bombus can be killed with the Wave Beam) and keep going to Ruined Courtyard. As soon as you get in, shoot all of the flickerbats. You don't want them bothering you, as they can knock you right off the platform. Find the two spinners and activate them, and then activate the bomb slot to raise the water. Hop across the platforms to the middle structure and hop up the ledges here. Somewhere around here is a quite large ledge. DBJ onto it and then do a DBJ onto the next ledge. Finally, do a DBJ onto the top of the center structure. Looking around, you'll see a wave beam door. Jump onto the fence surrounding the structure, and turn so you're facing the door without power (the one that leads to Thardus). Switch on the scan visor and lock onto the door. It should say it's out of scanning range. Do a dash jump to the right. With luck you'll end up right in front of the wave door. Head through it to enter the research labs. As soon as you get in, a Shadow Pirate will attack you. Kill it with charge shots and continue. In the next room, a sentry drone will catch you and cause four or five space pirates to run out and attack you. Kill them with charge shots to unlock the door. Head through the door at the top of the room. The next room is a hallway with scatter bombus. Head to the end of it and into the next room. This room is the first research lab. Switch the scan visor on and scan the scan point to cause the force field to deactivate and head through it. Now activate the elevator and head to the top of the room, killing any enemies that get in your way. When you get to the top of the room, shoot the wave door in the ceiling and head through it. The next room is an open hallway with a bunch of snow, crates, and turrets. Blow the turrets up as you head through the room. And now we reach our destination: the Observatory. The pirates will attack you as soon as you come in, so take care of them and scan the scan point. This will activate a bomb slot. Bomb your way up to it and activate it, which will activate another slot. Bomb that one and it will activate four spinners. Boost those to get the observatory to activate, lowering the super missiles. Now that the super missiles are down, leave. Go back to Monitor Station in Magmoor. It's time for the Ice Beam! ****************** *4d. The Ice Beam* ****************** As soon as you enter Monitor Station, a turret will attack you. Take it out with two missiles and look to the right. You will see a bridge out of jumping range. Do a DBJ onto it, turn around, and do another DBJ back onto the structure. Head to the right to find a spinner. Use it to raise a bridge. Once the bridge is raised, go to the end of it and look down and to the right. You will see a Puffer floating around. Get a combat lock on it and dash to the left. You will hopefully land on the rocks. DBJ up to the door and head through it. Jump up and grab the Artifact of Strength. Now head back to the Chozo Ruins using whatever method you want. The room is Energy Core. When you get there, head toward Burn Dome, but when you reach the door leading to BDA, turn right to see a Stone Toad. Go into morph ball mode and let it suck you up, and then lay a bomb inside of it to kill it. Past the toad is a generator. Use the bomb slot to activate it and lower the water level. Roll through the tunnel to the next generator and activate that one to cause some platforms to raise. Jump up them and activate the final generator, which will raise some more platforms and unlock the door. Jump up to the door and enter West Furnace Access, which is just a hallway. At the end of it is Furnace. Go into morph ball mode through the hole and get the E-tank at the end and then head back. You should notice a spiderball track that is normally used to get to the main part of Furnace. But we won't do that, will we? :D Push yourself so your walking into the left side of the spiderball track and start jumping. If done right, you'll activate the clipping glitch that will push you up the track. At the top, morph and roll through. At the main part of Furnace some beetles will attack. Kill them and head to the left, where you'll see a Chozo Lore. Roll through the tunnel and unmorph, jump over the pit, remorph, roll through the rocks, and open the wave beam door. Through this door is Crossway. Use the half-pipe here to get up and keep going through the missile lock on the next door. Head through Elder Hall Access and to Hall of the Elders. Congratulations! You've reached your first Chozo Ghost fight! When you arrive, the ghost will appear. Get out the Power Beam, as the ghosts cannot be harmed by the Wave Beam, Ice Beam, and Plasma Beam. When it's dead, the statue will activate and the room will return to normal. Okay, you don't have space jump and you don't have spider ball. So how do you get behind the force field? Simple enough. Near the morph ball tunnel leading to the missile refill station (which you should use if you're low on missiles) is a large ledge which you should DBJ onto. Look around up here; you will see a few small pillars. The last one from the right is right next to the edge, or so it seems. Look behind it to see there's actually a small platform. Look above the platform to see the fence around the morph ball tunnel doesn't start until after the pillar. What does this have to do with getting behind the morph ball tunnel, you ask? Stand on the ledge, morph, and do a wall TBJ into the tunnel. It may take a few tries, but it's certainly possible and gets easier the more you do it. When you get in, roll behind the force field. Scan the chozo head to deactivate the force field and head through the door. Walk through the hallway and enter Reflecting Pool. Reflecting Pool is the only place in the game (other than Energy Core) that has Stone Toads! Hop into the water and bomb the small hatch to drain the water, and boost to the top level (when you come in, the side you want is on the left). When you get there, shoot the missile lock off the door and enter to find the Ice Beam! Leave and shoot the missile lock off the other door. Boost to that side and enter to find a save station. Use it. Now continue through the morph ball tunnel right next to the save station. Soon you'll reach an elevator going to Tallon Overworld East. This will take you to Frigate Crash Site, which is conveniently located one room away from Landing Site, where your ship is. The inconvenient part is there are a few space pirates, four flying pirates, and a box of phazon. When you arrive in Tallon Overworld, go through the door to Transport Tunnel C. Run through this hallway of zoomers, geemers, blastcaps, and trees. After this you'll encounter Overgrown Cavern. Roll through this hallway of morph ball holes, venom weeds, and a missile expansion (It's right in front of you. 25 missiles). The next room is Frigate Crash Site. Run through this room of Flying Pirates, water, and jelzaps, and... Okay, so it's getting old. Kill the flying pirates with an ice beam shot and a missile, and kill the regular pirates with a few ice beam shots. Once every enemy in this room is dead, two of the flying pirates and all of the regular pirates are gone forever. Ignore the Crashed Frigate that we'll never touch. Head across the room to Waterfall Cavern. You'll soon be at Landing Site. Save at your ship if you want. It's going to be rough. *************************************************** *4e. Magmoor Journey and More Phendrena Collecting* *************************************************** Go to Tallon Canyon. There are a set of platforms here, as you may have already noticed. Jump up them, killing the zoomers and geemer along the way, and head through the door. This next room holds yet another new enemy for you: the Bloodflower. There are two ways to beat it right now; you can either shoot it with the Ice Beam and then a missile, or you can wait for it to try to attack you with poisonous spores and shoot the spores to poison the bloodflower, killing it. Anyway, through the door is Root Cave. If you look up here, you'll see on the bridge... Oh no! Not another bloodflower! Oh well. The bridge is out of reach and the bloodflower will leave you alone, so you do the same. Hop down to the bottom of the room, take care of the beetle ambush, and head through the door down here. Transport Tunnel B. Leading to Magmoor. The stuff under the bridge may look like it will hurt you, but jump down to not only find out it doesn't hurt you, but also that there's a missile expansion down here! Collect it (30 missiles). Now head through the next door, which is an elevator to Magmoor. When you get to Magmoor, turn left and head through the door. There are spiderball tracks here, but ignore them, because we can't use them yet. Morph and boost into the lava. Get to the other end as fast as you can, and do a DBJ. With luck, you'll end up back on land, but here's the trick: DON'T LAY THE LAST BOMB UNTIL YOU START DESCENDING. If you're still ascending when you lay it, you won't make it out. So head through the next door. Morph and roll under the flame jets and shoot the stalactite with a missile. Hop across to Twin Fire's next segment. Kill the Magmoor here and do a dash jump to the right. You will land in the lava, right next to the next platform. Bomb jump onto it. Head through the wave door where you'll see a Magmoor. First instinct may be to kill it. If that is the case, ignore your first instinct. How about crushing it instead? Shoot the stalactite about the Magmoor with a missile. Wait and soon the Magmoor will be crushed! :D Now look a bit to the right to see some red stuff. Jump on it, then to the stalactite, then to the door leading to the core (that rhymes! :p) Geothermal Core is one of the two unsolved rooms (well, it's actually basically solved, but we'll get into that later). For now, hop across the puddle spores. Now you may be asking, "What are puddle spores?" If you already know, good for you. For those who don't, they're a new kind of enemy. They float in the lava and open up when you get close. If you allow them to close, they will eject harmful spheres of lava. Shoot them when they're open and they'll flip over and can be used as platforms to cross the lava. This is not a permanent effect. Soon they will flip right-side up and return to normal. If you are on a puddle spore when it flips back, you will not be hurt, but instead you'll be flung to the side of the room and land in the lava, which will hurt. There are two puddle spores here and one normal platform between them. When you get to the other side, head through the door. I want you to meet someone special... it's another puddle spore. Cross it and into Magmoor Workstation. Workstation is the home to two flying pirates. Take them out and look around. You see three different colored gates, yes? Shoot each with a charge wave beam shot to activate the power conduits right next to them. This will cool some of the lava. Roll under and be careful of the Triclops, which are here in a twosome. Cross the cooled lava to find a computer screen. Scan it to cool some more lava. Cross that to find another computer screen. Scan that to cool some more lava, and then cross the final set of cooled lava for an energy tank! Now exit. Bomb jump up the grating in Workstation and head through the wave beam door. Watch out for the 10 flame jets here (may not be ten, but it's pretty close to that). The next room is an elevator to Phendrena. Ignore it and walk past. Shoot the missile door lock off the door and head through. This room is a save station. Save and go back to the elevator room. Activate the elevator and go to Phendrena. When you arrive, the first thing you'll notice is that there are two doors in this room. The first one is a wave beam door and can be easily accessed. The second is an ice door and is at the top of a spiderball track. So what to do? Head through the wave door, of course. The next room is a morph ball tunnel with a couple of Pulse Bombus bombing the tunnel. Get to the end of it and enter this wave door. The first thing you'll notice is that this room is a huge arena. The second thing you'll notice is a bunch of rocks in the middle of the room. The third thing you'll notice is a bunch of spiderball tracks. Jump down and head to the left. *************** *BOSS: THARDUS* *************** Thardus is a rock boss held together by phazon. It will begin by roaring a bit and then the battle will start. Thardus's attacks are pretty easy to follow. He can go into morph ball mode and roll into you, he can send a bunch of icicles your way that will freeze you, or he can make some rocks rise out of the ground and attack you. If he sends icicles, jump out of the way. If he morphs, you also morph and hit him with bombs. If he sends rocks after you, shoot the rocks until they disappear. The rocks will drop energy, so remember to shoot them every time he sends it to you. Thardus has seven weak spots, only one of them being active at a time. Here are the spots, in the order they are active: 1: right leg 2: right arm 3: left arm 4: left leg 5: smaller rock on his back 6: larger rock on his back 7: the center rock Hitting Thardus with bombs will make his weak spot visible, allowing you to get a lock-on to them. You can also make his weak spots visible by shooting them enough (they don't need to be visible for you to be able to cause damage). Don't use the ice beam, as it does no damage at all. Use either the wave beam or the power beam. When all of Thardus's weak spots have been destroyed, Thardus will fall, leaving you a few ultra energies and the spider ball. Grab the spider ball and use the tracks to exit the way you came in. Back in the elevator room. Take the elevator back to Magmoor and save. Then go back to Phendrena. Take the spiderball tracks up to the ice door and head through it. You will see an energy tank in the next room. But right now we can't get it, as it's out of reach without the plasma beam. The next room: Frozen Pike. Frozen Pike is a rather tall room. Check the map. You want the second to last door from the top. Find it on the map and go through it. Frost Cave Access. Roll through it for two reasons: 1. morph ball holes, and 2. scatter bombus. When you reach Frost Cave, you will hear a new sound: the screech of a Metroid. A Hunter Metroid will attack as soon as you come in. What happened to the normal Metroids, you ask? Well, you were supposed to have already seen normal Metroids, but you didn't because we never got past the Observatory in the Phendrena labs. More on that later. Anyway, the Hunter Metroid can be taken out with the ice beam+missile combo. Use it and jump off the ledge to land on the frozen lake. Jump up the platforms until you see a stalactite above you. Now morph and DBJ up to the next platform, unmorph, turn around, look up, shoot the stalactite with a missile, DBJ onto it, and DBJ up to the door. This next room is very tricky, so don't blame me if you mess up. You must morph and roll through the morph ball tunnel, and then unmorph and enter through the next door. Sounds hard, huh? Well, it didn't sound hard for me either. The next room is Phendrena's Edge! Remember how earlier I said Geothermal Core was one of the two unsolved rooms? This is the other unsolved room. An artifact rests here, but there is no known way to get it for two reasons. One, getting to the ledge, and two, getting the Plasma beam to open the door. But we'll get into that later. Just kill the flying pirates, hop into the water, and head through the door down there. This room is just as tricky as Upper Edge Tunnel (the one with the long morph ball tunnel), so it's pretty easy. Avoid the scatter bombus while rolling through the tunnel. The next room is Hunter Cave. No Hunter Metroids here, though. :P First off, check out the ceiling and use three missiles on the three stalactites (one missile for each). This will form a bridge across the lake. But before you cross the lake, KILL EACH AND EVERY FLICKERBAT. If you don't, they will knock you into the water, and getting out requires a medium-hard ghetto jump. So kill them to reduce your chances of falling in. When both of these tasks are done, use the first two stalactites as a path to cross the lake. No, you don't have to morph to cross them. If you do fall in, then look around. Soon you'll see stairs to get out. You need SJ to get up them, though! To the left of the stairs is a slope; lock your view all the way down and ghetto jump off this slope and onto the second step, where you'll be out of the water. This jump may take a bit to work, but I have done it before, and it works, just keep trying. Use the third one as a stair to reach the next door, to Lake Tunnel. Is all this underwater movement starting to be annoying? Yes? Well, it's almost over. Well, not really, but it'll be much easier. Lake Tunnel is a simple hallway. Cross to the other end and enter Gravity Chamber. Gravity Chamber is a large room. Not as large as Main Plaza or Lava Lake or Phendrena Shorelines, but still large. (okay, maybe not Lava Lake.) You'll already be in water by the time you get here, so at least you won't have to dive into the water! :P Anyway, head forward. Ahead are three Aqua Tentacles forming a circle around a Jelzap. Take out the Jelzap with a charge shot, and shoot the tentacles to get rid of them. Now ghetto jump up. Look to the left. You will see some fish frozen in the ice. Remember this spot. Now turn to the right and face the next Aqua Tentacle/Jelzap ambush (yes, the tentacles are forming a circle around the Jelzap again). Kill the Jelzap and temporarily take out the tentacles and ghetto jump up to the Gravity Suit. Now you can move through water like you're on land! :D Do you still remember that spot I told you to remember? Go to it and turn to look at the fish. Morph and do a wall TBJ out of the water. Hop over to the wave beam door that's not in the water and head through it. When you get here, immediately face the wall and charge your wave beam. When the Sentry Drone comes into view, let it have your charge shot (and I don't mean saying to it "Hey, would you like this charge beam I found at Watery Hall?"!). Get to the end of the hallway and through the wave door. Now you're back at Hunter Cave. Flying Pirates are now here taking the place of the flickerbats, so take them out with the ice missile combo. DO NOT FALL DOWN. Walk across the narrow path to the next door leading to Hunter Cave Access. Morph and boost through the Jelzap-filled hall. Now unmorph and head through the door to be back at Frozen Pike. As soon as you poke your head out of the water, you'll find out that while you were swimming, apparently the flickerbats in this side of Phendrena retired, and the Flying Pirates took their place. Take care of the pirates and walk up the bridge. Now this is where it gets tricky. Turn left and you'll see a small alcove in the wall. DBJ into it. Now look at the next ledge. Do a DBJ onto that. This platform is why it's so tricky. If you don't do it right, you won't see the unmorph animation, and more times than not, you'll fall down. It seems to help to stay close to the right wall, so do that. Get onto the ice that sticks off the platform, morph, and DBJ onto the next platform. You will now be in front of a wave beam door. Close, but not close enough. Turn right and look down. You'll see a point where part of the ledge starts to move out a bit further. Stand RIGHT ON THIS POINT. Look up and switch on the scan visor. There will be a floating platform up there. Lock onto it. It will say it's out of scanning range. Dash to the right. When done right, you will be in the next small alcove. Now morph and DBJ to the next platform, turn, and DBJ up. You're on a bridge now; cross it to find the next wave beam door. You've made it this far; don't give up! Go through the door. You did it!!!! Now head to the end of this room. Open the ice door and check out the next room. When you look in, you will see two flying pirates not flying. Use the ice missile combo on one of them. The other will now start flying. Run in and start firing at it while avoiding the turret fire. When it's gone, take care of the turrets. Now jump up. Soon you'll get attacked by a normal space pirate. Kill it and get to the top. Run through the door. On a side note, the room you were just in has the Thermal Visor in it. You're quite capable of getting it right now, but we're going to ignore it until the next time we visit the labs. This room has ice beetles in it. These are stronger versions of regular beetles, and they look a bit different, but they're still quite easy. Head to the next wave beam door, which is in the ceiling. When you shoot the door, hold A for a charge shoot. When the door opens, release it so it goes through the door and jump in. The reason you just did that was because a bunch of crates were blocking the way in. Go figure... When you get in, a space pirate attack will be here. Shoot the pirates and get through. Now at the top of the room is some broken glass. You need to get through it, but how? Easy. On your right is a thin rail. DBJ onto it, as it's standable and level with the broken glass. This part of the room has... OMG, a Metroid! Shoot the wave beam door and bravely start the cinema, which is just a cinema of Samus staring at the Metroid. Now when the cutscene ends, immediately turn around and head through the wave door, because if you wait to long, the Metroid will break out of the case and the door will lock. Then when the Metroid's dead, the battle music starts, but there won't be enough space pirates to unlock the door, no matter how little you killed. So don't linger too long unless you want to backtrack to Research Core and back. The next room is easy enough. A couple Scatter Bombus are here, nothing much. Keep going and soon you'll reach the elevator. But this elevator is supposed to be activated at the top! How do you use it? Simple enough. When you come in, the elevator will already be activated. Just step in the hologram and let it take you up. Next room: Control Tower. When you get here, look around the room. Big tower in the distance. Lots of crates. No enemies. No enemies? Yes, no enemies. No space pirate ambush, as you would expect. Now walk up to the next door. As soon as you touch it, a door lock will appear on it and four space pirates will appear out of nowhere. Defeat them and watch the small cinema where you will be "introduced" to flying pirates, even though you've already seen them. Defeat the flying pirates to unlock the doors, and go through the next one. I advise checking the map to see which door to go through, as you might go through the wrong one if you're not careful. The next room is an elevator. Like the last elevator, this one is already activated. Take it up and head through the next door. It's just a simple hallway. No tricks... unless you count the scatter bombus and Crystallites as tricks. At the end of this room, you'll be at the top of the Observatory. The super missiles are already lowered and are right in front of you. Yes, that was the point of the first visit to the labs. Jump to the super missiles and grab them, and then jump to the save station that's being guarded by a missile door lock. Save. Now jump to the bottom of the observatory. Head out and get to Tallon Canyon in Tallon Overworld. You've made your way out this way before and you can do it again. And that ends this section. ****************** *4f. Phazon Mines* ****************** When you reach Tallon Canyon, turn left and enter the Chozo Ruins. You're going to take the same path that you took for the ice beam. Do you remember that ice beam door at the top of Reflecting Pool that you didn't go through last time? Yeah, we're going through that door. But first... Go to Ruined Shrine. Instead of the usual collection of beetles or the Plated Beetle here, you will see that two Chozo Ghosts have made this room their home. Defeat them using a Super Missile and a Charge Shot, and use the half pipe to get up the left side of the half-pipe (left side when you come in). Up here is a small hole. Roll through it to get a Missile Expansion (35 missiles). Now jump off and bomb the bombable hole here and collect another missile expansion (40 missiles). Now use the half-pipe to get up the other side of the half-pipe and roll through the hole here while holding R. At the end of this hole is a spiderball track which there is no way you can miss because you're holding R. It will take you right in front of the wave beam door. Run through it to Tower of Light Access. This room has no tricks. Just get through it to the Tower of Light. At the Tower, jump into the water that you won't mind jumping into now that you have the Gravity Suit. Head through the hidden underwater passage and DBJ back onto land. Shoot the wave door in the ceiling and jump through to find the Artifact of Lifegiver. Grab it and head back to Ruined Shrine, where you'll find out the Chozo Ghosts have risen from the dead. Again. Ignore them this time and get to Main Plaza. At Main Plaza, use the half-pipe to get a missile expansion (45 missiles). Now start your way along the Ice Beam path. At Ruined Fountain, pause for a moment to get a missile. Morph and roll into the fountain and hold R. The next time it spews water, you will be sent up where you can latch onto a spiderball track and roll into a missile expansion (50 missiles). When you reach Aboretum, stop. Before going in, look around. Anything different? How about lack of life? That's right. The reaper vines, venom weed, and war wasps are all gone. Now before thanking Retro and continuing, here's something. Rooms with Chozo Ghosts don't have any enemies in them. EVER. With the exception of Furnace and Life Grove. So when you walk into the Aboretum, prepare to run to the next door as fast as you can. I would like to throw out the same warning for Furnace. The Plated Parasites are still there, so there is no warning that the ghosts now hold Furnace. This time around, take the ice door, which you need to DBJ onto. When you reach Hall of the Elders, you will notice that there are no Chozo Ghosts. Hop into the statues hands, morph, and hold R. The statue will send you into a spiderball track. Go up it and activate the bomb slot at the end. This will activate the beam slots. Jump up there. There is a purple slot, a white slot, and a red slot. Activate the white slot by shooting it with the ice beam and bombing it, then roll into the statue's hands. It will send you into an energy tank. Now keep going the way you were going before. When you get to the top of Reflecting Pool, save at the nearby save station and then head through the white door. Soon you will reach an elevator to Tallon Overworld South. Activate and start the elevator. When you arrive in Tallon Overworld, exit the elevator and as soon as you enter the next room, you'll see a Seedling. Take it out with the Ice Beam and keep going to Great Tree Hall. You can only use one part of the Hall now; that's what we're going to fix. There are two Bloodflowers and a Seedling in this part of the room; take them out. Head under the spiderball pole to find your progress stopped by a gate. Normally you would head through the Crashed Frigate and end up at the bottom of this room. Since we didn't go through the Frigate, we never activated the spinner that gets rid of the gate. Get into the right corner right by the gate. Don't get so close that you're touching it; move back, and do the same with the right wall. Morph and do a DBJ. This one, like the one you used in Twin Fire Tunnels, has a trick. Lay the third bomb while you're still ascending, and as soon as the third bomb explodes, don't unmorph, immediately hold the control stick in the northeast position. When done right, Samus will either get stuck, or pass through the corner and land by the spinner. If Samus gets stuck, get her out with a bomb. Keep trying until you get it, and use the spinner to remove the gate. At least we'll never have to do that again! :D Now carefully jump down the platforms, killing every seedling you come to. But leave the Sap Sacs alone. Just out of the water is a white door. Head through it. If you should happen to fall in the water, then just jump up the steps. If any are to difficult for you to jump, then DBJ up them. Run across the bridge. There is some stuff underneath you called Phazon. There was some Phazon at Frigate Crash Site, but we ignored it, because it didn't serve any purpose. It still doesn't. Now head through the next door and get going to the mines. You're at Phazon Mines. Run through the wave beam door. Morph and boost through this hallway, and then unmorph and run through the wave beam door. Main Quarry (it's where you are right now) is where Phazon Mines's cinema is. Watch it show you around Main Quarry, and then morph and boost over to the spiderball track a bit up and to your left. Roll up it and head through the door. Save. You definetely noticed the two turrets attack you. These are Mega Turrets, not auto-defense turrets, so if you're going for maximum scans, scan them. These guys take three missiles each, so destroy them and activate the two nearby scan points to disable the force field. Turn on the ice beam, shoot the ice door, and switch to the Power Beam. Start charging up. In the next room are a few Mega Turrets attacking you. Fire a Super Missile or two at them. Now switch the Ice Beam back on. Head through the next door and hold a charge shot. This room holds a Shadow Pirate ambush and a Wave Trooper ambush. Defeat the Shadow Pirates with ice beam, and destroy the Wave Troopers with three charged wave beam shots each. Now keep going to the ice door in the ceiling. Kill the Shadow Pirates in the next room and head through the next ceiling door. This room has a large tank in the middle. Two Space Pirates are walking around, but not noticing you. Kill one with the ice missile combo to alert the other, and kill that with the ice missile combo. Now you should notice a few computers around here. There are two red scan points. One will lower the platforms, which you want. The other is deadly. What is it, you ask? It's... a Pirate Data. If you're going for maximum scans, scan it. Now jump up the platforms. Two Wave Troopers will notice you and upper a gate. Run behind it from the other side of the room. The Troopers split up after noticing you, so you'll come across one as you get behind the gate, and the other will keep running until it sees you, stops, and starts shooting. Get rid of them both and head behind the computer. Scan the two scan points, as one will lower the next set of platforms, and the other is useless. Switch to Power Beam and start charging up as you jump up the platforms. As soon as you can lock onto the Power Trooper up here, hit it with a super missile. There might also be a Mega Turret up here. I can't remember if there is. :( If there is, get rid of it with three missiles and use the spinner to turn the cannon all the way to the left. Now unmorph and activate the scan points and the computer. One will start the cannon. The other is useless. Now the cannon will break the wall, uncovering a Missile Expansion. Stand so it's to your left, switch to scan visor, and look at wall the walkway runs right into. This wall has a scan point on it. Use it to dash to the left. (55 missiles) To get back, simply scan-dash jump off the spinner. Turn the cannon so it's facing the wall the walkway runs into and activate it again. Now it will destroy the wall, revealing a door. Head through this door and you will enter a high room. Morph and fall down this shaft and when you hit the bottom, unmorph and shoot the ice door with the ice beam, and switch to the power beam and start charging. When you get in, walk to the other side of the room, where a Power Trooper is, and calmly hand it your Super Missile. Then charge up again and shoot the other with a Super Missile, too. Use the machine to align the blue tracks with the next level, and then take the blue spiderball tracks up. Use the machine up here to align the red tracks with the next level, jump down, and use the first machine to align the red tracks with the other red tracks. Now take the red tracks up and head through the door up here, taking out the wave trooper on the way. In this room, use the spiderball track to slip through the scatter bombus in this room and head through the white door at the bottom. The next room is an elevator. Activate it with the scan point and step in the hologram. At the bottom, head through the white door. Now keep going until you can see an explosive box on a ledge, and stop. Shoot that box until it explodes. The result is it will kill two Space Pirates that were about to attack you, and it will uncover a missile expansion! Get under the ledge and do a 3BJ onto it and roll into the expansion (60 missiles). Head through the wave beam door at the end of the room. When you get into this room, a cinema will trigger. It shows you the tank in the middle of the room. See the tank. See the Elite Pirate in the tank. See the Elite Pirate punch the tank open... See Samus fire super missiles at it. Yes, fire super missiles at it. When it's dead, a force field will deactivate. Switch to the ice beam and charge up and walk up. Every time you encounter an ice trooper, shoot it with a charged ice beam shot, and then a missile to kill it. At the top of this room is a force field. Scan the computers; one of them will remove the force field. Head through the ice door in the ceiling. This room is some ventilation shafts. When you get close to the next door, gas and puffers will be released. So get through the next door quickly. This room is Omega Research. You will be attacked by two Wave Troopers and three Power Troopers here, so either kill them or ignore them and get through the door in the floor to Dynamo Access. We're getting close to the Power Bombs! :) Now run through this room. There are no tricks here... for now. Get through the room and you'll see a door. Head through it. Now... Central Dynamo. The Power Bombs are here! Jump down to alert the invisible sentry drone of your being here. The drone will attack you with all the moves drones usually use. The only difference with this one is that it has more life, and it's invisible. Fire charge shots at the lights when you see them. Two charge shots will kill it and part of the machine you may have seen. The part of the machine that is destroyed is one of its "legs". Under this "leg" is a hole. The drone's death caused an electrical maze under the grating, so when you enter the hole, this is a maze, except you can't touch the walls. Lay a morph ball bomb whenever you come to a puddle. And watch out for the yellow electricity; it will appear and disappear, so get through when it disappears. When you get the power bombs, save (through the door that isn't blocked by Bendezium). Now we need to get out of the Mines and to Magmoor. Jump onto the computers. Get to the highest part of the computer and do a wall TBJ. If you did it right, you will be on the ledge with the door. Head through it. When you reach Omega Research, an Elite Pirate will attack you. Kill it with Super Missiles, and DBJ back up to the door you came out of. At Ventilation Shaft, powerbomb the grate while being poisoned. Roll through the tunnel and scan the scan point to activate the fan. The fan will send the puffers crashing into the other side of the room. This will remove the gas and reveal an energy tank. Grab it and boost up the half-pipe. Now head through the ice door to Elite Research. This room is now home to five Shadow Pirates. Take them out and head back through the wave door you used to come in the first time. Now just journey back to Ore Processing. When you get there, notice the bendezium blocking the machine on this floor. There is a fence surrounding the platform you're on. Jump on the fence, and jump to the part with the machine on it. Now morph and destroy the bendezium. Align the yellow tracks by bombing the machine three times. Hop down to the second level and use the machine there once, and get to the bottom floor and use that machine twice. Now take the yellow track up and grab the Grapple Beam from the machine up here. Now get back to Elite Research. In this room there is a white door behind the tank. Get to it, killing the three Shadow Pirates down here, and head through it to Maintenance Tunnel. Powerbomb the bendezium here and continue to Processing Center. Before going in, notice the two normal space pirates hanging on the ceiling. Shoot each with a charged ice shot and then enter. Stand right in front of the door and look up. Lock onto the mega turret at the top of the room and destroy it. Then use the spiderball pole on the left. When you drop off of it, roll up the platform and do a DBJ onto the next platform. Unmorph and look around. See that platform in the corner? Jump over to that, and get on the very edge. Morph and DBJ to that platform over there. Turn around and DBJ onto the platform just above the one you were just on. On your left is a higher platform. DBJ onto it. If you didn't kill the Mega Turret up here, it would start attacking you right now, so remember to kill it every time you die. Now look back to see there's yet another platform above the one you were just on. DBJ onto it, and look at the platform attached to the wall. Before bomb jumping, look at it. There are a few things keeping it on the wall, and there's space behind the platform! So normal jump behind it, and then on the platform. Now look at the moving platform. L-lock your view all the way down and make sure you're on the edge, release the L-lock, wait for it to come... When it gets close enough, lock your view straight ahead and jump onto it. Now wait for it to take you over to the ice door. Congratulations! This is a difficult trick, and took me a couple days to get, but after doing it a few times, it gets easier. If you happen to fall, then follow the following steps to get back up with minimum effort. First, hope you don't fall in the Phazon. If you do, DBJ onto a platform. Second, kill the Mega Turret that noticed you. Third, make your way over to the platform with all the crates on it. Jump to the top of the crate stack. IF YOU DESTROY ANY OF THE BIG CRATES, YOU ARE STUCK. So don't do that. At the top of the stack is a large crate and... uh... something (tell me what it is if you know). Get on the crate and make sure you're at the corner closest to the floating platform just ahead, morph, and DBJ onto the floating platform. Normal jump to the platform on your left, morph, and DBJ onto the platform near the one you're on. Now spiderball up to the white door you used to come in. When you get to the top, go through the white door. Grapple across the phazon and enter the elevator room to Magmoor. Activate and use the elevator. In the next room is a tunnel with zoomers and bendezium. Powerbomb the bendezium and enter Magmoor Workstation. Flying pirates will attack, so hope you have enough health to kill them. Now DBJ up to the Phendrena elevator. Save at the save station. And that's the end of this section... *********************************** *4g. Geothermal Core: The Dead End* *********************************** This is where the FAQ ends. Yes, I know we haven't gotten into Impact Crater, or Omega Pirate. But to continue we have to get the plasma beam. And as of right now, not a single person has managed to get the Plasma Beam without the boots. What you can do right now is head to Geothermal Core, DBJ up to the grapple platform, grapple to spinner 1, and raise it. That's it. So far, no one has been able to do the DBJ from Spinner 1 to Spinner 2 when spinner 1 was raised. If you have information on where and when to place the bombs to get to spinner 2 when spinner 1's raised, don't hesitate to email me about it. This FAQ will be updated when I have collected the plasma beam without the boots. Don't give up. The DBJ is very hard, not impossible. Keep trying; you may be the first to get the plasma beam without the boots! ------ 5. FAQ ------ Q: You keep saying to do a DBJ/3BJ/TBJ/wall TBJ but I can't make it onto the platform! What do I do? A: When I say to do a bomb jump, unless you're bomb jumping into a morph ball tunnel (HOTE) or I say not to unmorph (DBJ over bars), you're supposed to unmorph. Q: I figured out how to do something not mentioned in your FAQ. What do I do? A: Send it to me (see contact) and if it's good advice it will be put up on the FAQ. Q: I did the DBJ onto Spinner 2 in Geothermal Core! What do I do? A: First make sure spinner 1 was raised. If it was, and you know where you put the bombs and when you placed them, then email me with that information. And you WILL get credit for making this incredibly hard bomb jump and supplying information for it. ------------------------- 6. More Sequence Breaking ------------------------- ********************************* *Get the Space Jump Boots First!* ********************************* Stand on your ship on the back right, facing the artifact temple. Switch on the scan visor and lock onto a plant a bit to the right of the temple and dash jump to the right. When done right, you will be on the ledge normally accessed from Tallon Canyon. Hop across the ledges and claim the space jump boots! This sequence break opens the following possibilites: *Skip the missile launcher! *Get an early energy tank at Main Plaza! *Get the wave beam before the boost ball! *Get both artifacts in Magmoor in the first visit! ************************************************** *Get the Artifact of Wild without the spiderball!* ************************************************** When you enter the suntower after the Flaaghra fight, turn right. See that corner? Jump into it and morph. You will fall on an oculus. Now hold the control stick in a northwest position. Hold it there until I say you can let go. Now just as it's about to turn right, lay a bomb. When it explodes, lay another bomb just above it. This is known as an infinite bomb jump, as you can keep laying bombs. The corner slows your fall, so the bomb stock as time to refill and you can get to the top of Suntower. When you're level with the platform you came out on, lay a final bomb and hold the control stick in northeast position. As soon as the bomb explodes, unmorph. With luck you'll be back on the ledge. Now go back to Suntower to find out the Chozo Ghosts are now here. Defeat them and collect the Artifact of Wild. This sequence break opens the following possibilites: *Skip the super missiles! *Skip the charge beam! *Skip the spiderball! *Never have to revisit Suntower! ************************************* *Get the Plasma Beam before Thardus!* ************************************* When you get the Ice Beam, head to Geothermal Core. On the side closer to Tallon Overworld, there are some rocks next to the door. Jump on them and then look at the box. Jump on that, and jump to the stalagmite. Now jump to the first spinner and raise it. Jump to the second spinner and raise it. Now jump back to the first spinner and then to the third spinner. Raise that. Now you will notice that there is a spiderball track here. It looks a little like this: |: spiderball track _: spiderball track | | _| | | Jump where the _ is and then jump up the spinner. Hop to raised spinner 2 and activate the bomb slot. Now look at the spiderball blocks on the huge spiderball track. Notice the metal rim underneath it? Jump to that. Now ghetto jump off the slanted wall and onto the block. Jump to the next block, and jump to the ice door. Go into Plasma Processing and collect the plasma beam. This sequence break opens the following possibilities: *Skip the spiderball! *Skip the grapple beam! *Use the plasma beam against Thardus for high damage! *Make only one trip through Phazon Mines! ****************************** *Get to Waste Disposal early!* ****************************** We all know about Waste Disposal, the room that connects Main Quarry to Ore Processing. When you enter Phazon Mines the first time, climb to the top of Main Quarry. Set yourself so Waste Disposal is to your left. Do a scan-dash jump off either the spiderball track or the computer by the track. Now head through the door. Congrats! You're in Waste Disposal! This sequence break opens the following possibilites: *Skip first meeting with wave troopers! *Skip security rooms altogether! *Get the Grapple Beam before the powerbombs! ---------- 7. Contact ---------- If you have any questions or comments, then email me at Advice, praise, comments, and questions are all welcome. What isn't welcome is criticism, flooding, and viruses. If you have a question, please make sure it isn't already answered on the FAQ. If it isn't, ask me and I will gladly answer. ---------- 8. Closing ---------- Well, it's the end of this FAQ, and I'd like to thank: CJayC, who owns GameFAQs, for putting this up Myself, for writing this All the sequence breakers, who discovered how to make it as far as we've gotten And last but not least, you, for reading this guide. Good luck on your no-SJ run. This FAQ is to be printed on and only. You may not print and sell this guide. You may not copy it and say you wrote it. Tell me if you see this FAQ on any site other than and